Essential Oils & Oleoresins
supercritical CO2
"safer, cleaner, purer way to extract plant oils"
We are broadening the sustainability of CO2 extraction with systems designed for cost-effective, efficient processes.
By developing innovative and technological advances in CO2 extraction we deliver superior systems with customer service that’s second to none
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil is extracted from the seed of the plant. This process preserves the traditional herbal and holistic extraction process that old world medicine used to maximize the benefits of Sea Buckthorn.
Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil is a true nutritional anomaly: in this oil, you will find a near 1:1 ratio of 34% linoleic acid (Omega-6) and 32% alpha linolenic acids (Omega-3).
Linoleic acid helps your body maintain its cardiovascular system, and may function to reduce inflammation, high blood pressure, and cholesterol. Alpha linolenic acids help your body repair its cells, and provides the skin moisturizing qualities inherent in this oil. This oil is also naturally loaded with Vitamin E, carotenoids, and phospholipids that may aid your immune system and combat cancer-causing free radicals.

Sea Buckthorn Whole Berry Oil

Sea Buckthorn Whole Berry Oil is extracted from the meat of the Sea Buckthorn berry itself. These amazing berries are uniquely saturated with vitamins and amino acids, so much so that different components of the berry can be applied for specific maladies. The berry is traditionally known for its benefits to the skin, digestive tract, and urinary tract.
Sea Buckthorn Whole Berry Oil is packed with carotene, which may improve eyesight and prevent certain forms of cancer. This berry oil has been used to treat skin conditions, such as burns, acne, rosasa, etc., providing a moisturizing quality that may result in overall healthier skin. For this reason, the extract has been used in some cosmetic skin products, especially for facial moisturizing.
Turmeric Essential Oil
Turmeric hails from the Zingiberaceae plant family, (the same family as ginger), and has both been used as a spice to flavor and color food and also as a medicinal herb. Extracted from the roots, also called rhizomes, via supercritical fluid extraction, our turmeric essential oil is a lot more concentrated than the powdered form. The aroma of turmeric oil is also very much like the fresh cut root - woody and earthy with a touch of spice.
It has ability to help fight colon cancer in animal models, which is promising for humans struggling with the disease. The combination of curcumin and turmerone given by mouth at both low and high doses actually abolished tumor formation. It is used treat skin conditions including curbing acne, reducing blemishes and scars and discouraging facial hair growth in women. It ss rich in antioxidants making it excellent for stimulating new cells to grow, promoting healthy hair follicles and preventing hair loss. The anti-inflammatory properties of the oil contribute to reducing scalp inflammation and improving hair growth.

Ginger Oleoresin

Ginger oleoresin is an important condiment in food and pharmaceutical industries because of its antioxidant and polyphenolic compounds. It is well known that the rhizome of dried ginger contains both aromatic and pungent components.
Ginger Oleoresin is used for Hyperlipidemia, Platelet aggregation, Decreased urine output, Thrombosis, Inflammation, Coughing, Constipation, Memory disorder, Oxidative stress, Poisoning and other conditions.
Ginger Essential Oil
The most potent form of Ginger is the essential oil because it contains the highest levels of Zingiberene
. The essential oil is the best way to use ginger as medicine. Ginger oil has a thin consistency and is light yellow in color, with a pleasantly pungent aroma. The scent varies according to the distilling and quality of the ginger used. However, the most aromatically superior ginger oil is said to come from Supercritical Fluid Extracted fresh ginger root. It can be taken internally to treat health conditions or rubbed topically with a carrier oil on an area of pain.
Ginger essential oil is used to treat nausea, upset stomach, menstrual disorders, inflammation and respiratory conditions. When used as aromatherapy, it’s also known to bring on feelings of courageousness and self-assurance, which is why it's known as "the oil of empowerment". It lowers the risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure). Ginger may lower blood pressure through blockade of voltage-dependent calcium channels.

Black pepper Oleoresin

Black pepper Oleoresin is one of the most widely used spices on the planet. It’s valued not only as a flavoring agent in our meals, but also for a variety of other purposes, such as medicinal uses, as a preservative and in perfumery. In recent decades, scientific research has explored the many possible benefits of black pepper essential oil such as relief from aches and pains, lowering cholesterol, detoxifying the body and enhancing circulation, among many more.
Black pepper’s major active principle, piperine, has been shown to have many beneficial health attributes including possible anticancer properties, which is why researchers have looked at it for inclusion in diet therapy for cancer treatment as well as cancer prevention.
Hypolipidemic (lipid-lowering) effect of black pepper in rats fed a high-fat diet showed a decrease in the levels of cholesterol, free fatty acids, phospholipids and triglycerides. It relieves Aches and Pains, Aids Digestion and Lowers Blood Pressure.
Cinnamon Bark Oil
Cinnamon Bark Oil is derived from the plant of the species name Laurus cinnamomum and belongs to the Lauraceae botanical family. Native to parts of South Asia, today cinnamon plants are grown across different nations throughout Asia and shipped around the world in the form of cinnamon essential oil or cinnamon spice.
Cinnamon is known to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, and anticancer properties. It can also help to fend off heart disease, high cholesterol and neurological health disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. it dilates the blood vessels. Cinnamon bark can help enhance nitric oxide function, which causes increased blood flow and lower levels of inflammation.

Vetiver Oil

Vetiver oil, also known as khus oil, is a lesser-known plant oil that offers a heavy, earthy fragrance, which is reminiscent of patchouli but with a touch of lemon. It is believed to be very grounding, calming and stabilizing, and provides a range of essential oil uses and benefits.
Vetiver essential oil is extensively utilized in perfumery, including the creation of perfumes for the body, room fresheners and coolers, as well as soaps, cosmetics, and oils. It is also a flavoring agent in beverages, sorbets and other foodstuffs. Its aromatic effect on the mind is grounding, calming and balancing, while its other notable actions are antiseptic, antispasmodic, immune-stimulating, warming and sedative to the nervous system, and stimulating to the circulatory system, to name a few.
Vetiver oil's calming and soothing properties are said to dispel anger, hysteria and irritability, and reduce neurotic behavior. It reduces stress and tension. These revitalizing qualities make it helpful with physical and mental exhaustion, and for addressing issues ranging from general aches and pains to insomnia and anxious feelings.